An application for a Machine Readable Passport (MRP) is a simple and straightforward process that can be facilitated by the Embassy. Please pay keen attention to the information provided on this page before submitting an application for a new passport.
General Guidelines:
- A Machine Readable Passport is valid for five (5) years from the date of issue. An applicant with a passport with six months or less of validity is encouraged to apply for a new passport before the expiration date.
- Carefully read all instructions provided on the Passport Application form. Download here.
- A person who is a Guyanese citizen whether by birth, naturalization, registration or decent is eligible to apply for a Guyana passport.
- Certified English translations of all accompanying documentation is required for submission.
- Applicants under the age of sixteen (16) years are required to be accompanied by at least one parent/guardian. A notarized affidavit from the absent parent or documentation of guardianship shall be provided by the parent/guardian. These documents will detail the custody arrangements of the child and information of guardianship respectively.
- An original document must be accompanied by a photocopied version.
Required Documentation:
Completed Passport Application Form
- Three (3) recent passport-sized photographs • Original Certificate of Birth/Naturalization/Registration/Registration of Overseas Birth/Adoption
- A coloured copy of the Bio-data Page of the current Republic of Guyana Passport
- The expired Republic of Guyana Passport (The Embassy will cancel this Passport and return to the Applicant)
- Original Certificate of Marriage (if the applicant is a female and is married, divorced or widowed and there was a change of name)
- Original Deed Poll/Declaration/Decree Absolute Certificate (If there has been a change of name other than through Marriage)
For Lost/Damaged/Stolen Passports:
In addition to the relevant documents stated above, the applicant must provide the following additional information:
- A Sworn Affidavit signed before a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavit stating the circumstances causing the Passport to be lost/stolen/damaged. This can also be done at the Embassy.
- Police Report (signed, stamped and certified by the issuing Authority)
Passport Procedures
The applicant has to complete the following:
- Submit completed passport application along with three passport photos
- Submit birth certificate and if a married woman, the marriage certificate
- Deposit USD$100 to the Embassy’s USD account( USD$70 for the passport and USD$30 for the courier)
- In the case of a new born baby, the birth certificate and a translation of the said birth certificate must be submitted and the Mission registers the birth as well.
- A cover letter is prepared addressed to the Director General informing what the letter is inside the package and attaching the receipt of the transaction.
- The package is then sent to the Ministry of Foreign of Affairs of Guyana via FEDEX
- Within a period of two months a package from Guyana’s Foreign Ministry is sent to the Embassy.
- The Embassy contacts the applicant to provide their postal details via e-mail (
- When the package arrives with the new passports, the Embassy informs Guyana’s Foreign Ministry and sends the passports to the applicant/s via Aramex.